Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Grand Theft Auto 4 has been the focus of my attention as of late. The game is very intriguing and fricken awesome.


I had been searching for achievements for the entire day; completing missions, flying under bridges, etc... when I realized the significance of Achievement points.

Achievement points for the Xbox 360 are like cookies; all they do is make you feel good inside. The whole purpose for gaining achievements is so you can brag to your friends, but if you have to many, you're friends will think you're a tool and have too much spare time. If you have to little, your friends that have slightly more than you will berate you on how much you suck at gaming (although GP bear no say of the players skill)

Gaining achievements is like playing World of Warcraft - you get no where with you're life, but at least you had a little fun. Questing in general is dumb cuz' the only reason you quest is the warm fuzzy feeling you get after completing a quest.

That's all for now. Yes I know I'm a tool - get over it.

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