Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Grand Theft Auto 4 has been the focus of my attention as of late. The game is very intriguing and fricken awesome.


I had been searching for achievements for the entire day; completing missions, flying under bridges, etc... when I realized the significance of Achievement points.

Achievement points for the Xbox 360 are like cookies; all they do is make you feel good inside. The whole purpose for gaining achievements is so you can brag to your friends, but if you have to many, you're friends will think you're a tool and have too much spare time. If you have to little, your friends that have slightly more than you will berate you on how much you suck at gaming (although GP bear no say of the players skill)

Gaining achievements is like playing World of Warcraft - you get no where with you're life, but at least you had a little fun. Questing in general is dumb cuz' the only reason you quest is the warm fuzzy feeling you get after completing a quest.

That's all for now. Yes I know I'm a tool - get over it.


I got Firefox Three today. I'm sorry they could get the Guinness Book record for most downloaded application in one day, but Mozillas' servers got overloaded. Bummer.

The app is still sweet. I'll have to get used to the new toolbar, but it shouldn't take to long. Earlier today I realized that my $30 Oblivion Bible is still missing; I called Rob and Jake, who I loaned it to, and it was gone. So my suspission is that my mom took it and destroyed it, or hid it, or ate it, or something.


I asked her and she was like, "Your bible is on your desk." And then I was like, "No, not a real Bible, the Oblivion Bible." She freaked. "Nothing should be referred to the Bible except the scriptures!" she said. "Those weirdos out there are just trying to fall into there perverted way of living!" And then I was like "No one calls it the Oblivion Bible except me, and its just a video game - not a way of life."

So yeah. grrr.

Swim practice was a drag this morning. We did a few warm up sets, and then we did 50 50's. Which is basically 50 x 2 lengths of the pool = 100 lengths of the pool. And they were hard.

Not as bad as the 3000s we did in high school swimming. (one of the many reasons I quit) That is rediculous. (thats 120 lengths)

I stumbled upon this guy named Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms or legs, but he's amazing.

Check this out:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


As I type right now, I must inform you that the grease that stain my finger tips is from one of the most delectable pizzas I have ever eaten. And yes, it is store-bought. It is a six-cheese and garlic pizza with puffy cooked crusts and warm melted oozing cheese. It's the only time I actually ate something that looked exactly the same on the cover. mmmm.

My day has been exactly like the last one... with the exception of the cheese pizza. I believe I should start a movie critic blog about my opinions on various films. I think that would be enjoyable.

I'm probably going to watch the Shawshank Redemption; I heard it was very good.

I am also debating on putting a section in on my personal thoughts. (i.e. God, my struggles, differences, etc...)

I'll work on that later. For now I've got to watch a film... and my cheese is getting cold.

Monday, June 16, 2008


It's nine forty-two post meridian and I thought I'd blog a bit to talk about today.

I got up at 6:07 this morning for the first swim team morning practice. The water was cold.
I mentioned to my swim friends that if they made the practice two hours later, the temperature of the air would be warmer (the sun is out longer, warming the atmosphere), and logically it would make more sense. If we started at 7:30 or 8:30 we'd be done before 10 and we'd have the rest of the day ahead of us.

Well anyways, it wasn't a bad practice. We played fat-bat baseball at the end of practice, and my team won. I hit the worst pitch, but we still won.

So for the rest of the day, I've been on a computer. I got up once to take a shower and change my clothes, but its pretty much been clean sailing to boredom all day. I watched Finding Forrester, Pan's Labyrinth, and 3 or 4 Family Guy Episodes.

I watch them on; its pretty nice.

Pan's Labyrinth is good, slightly gory, but good. Its funny because there isn't any characters in the movie named Pan. The girls name is Ofelia and her alias is Princess Moanna.

Finding Forrester was also amazing, but in a different genre. Quite remarkably done.

Well, thats all for tonight. I wish I had spent today more fruitfully, but there's always tomarrow.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Aright, so I work at this store called buschs. Its a grocery store. Its alright; the pay sucks, but the people there are awesome... at least the baggers and cashiers. The managers suck like crazy.

Like today, I helped this lady in a wheel chair out to her car with her groceries and she gave me a tip of $2.00. I took it to the manager behind the desk and asked her if I could keep it. She said no, and held out her hand. So even though I did all the work, she (the company) reaped the benifits.

So yeah. Today was alright. I'm pretty tired right now, cuz I stayed up late last night, but its ok. I had gummi octupus and cream soda for lunch. Mmmm.

So we've got this Truth Project Bible Study thing tonight. It might be interesting.

SO yeah. Peace.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Entry

Hello. My name is Will. I live in Detroit, Michigan and I am a freshman at Spring Arbor University. I'm 18 years old.

So anyways, I started this blog so I could communicate with the folks back home and all over. I think it's less congested than facebook.

Today I haven't done much. I was gonna make a drawing on grafitti for a friend of mine who is sick, but he must've deleted his facebook. Anyways, instead of drawing that, I opened MS Paint and started doodling.

Heres what I drew -

I'm feeling sorta good about it. It supposed to be a chinese general named chang. I like the eyes.

I guess this is enough. I don't want to bore you.
