Friday, March 6, 2009

Lonely on the dark side?

"Hey. Sup. You know? K bye."
- Kyle Rehnlund

We have a week left in school before break and already, the crazies have invaded my mind.

The "crazies" is this disease that an individual gets when there is a foreseen break on the horizon of their lives.

He/she begins to anticipate that break like there's no tomahawk, (I actually meant tomorrow, but I misspelled it - one of the choices was tomahawk) and all the work and test preparation does not seem as important as other things... such as sleeping, slacking, video games, writing blogs, etc...

My new favorite thing in this ever present, ever developing technology known as computing... is Dr. Horrible - Sing-along Blog.

I'm actually listening to the soundtrack right now.
Check it out.

I guess thats all for now. Bye!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long Time No Speak

Arright kids. I'm back. Hopefully for a long time.

While blogging isn't one of my "absolute favorite" things to do, I believe it forces me to organize my thoughts on a screen and gives me the ability to get an overview of whats going on in my life.

Aright that sucked, but w/e. I normally can't type/write when I've got a lot on my mind.

"I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot. I want it - great hair, the boys all love to stare."

If you haven't already, listen to this band.

Do it now.

K. Right serious stuff. I've mostly been concerned with my ineptitude to communicate effectively with others. Surprisingly I've gotten kinda awkward when talking to close friends. Friends that I used to have no problem communicating with.

I'm getting this feeling that a barrier of this is that I'm not "in" their world anymore. It seems to be people that are either back home, or friends that I'm not incontact with.

At any rate. I'm just gonna use these blogs mostly for myself. I'm greedy.